Week 1 of the 1st Grade CountFast program focuses on the recognition of the numbers 0 – 12, as well as the addition, subtraction, and equal signs often used in simple equations. This module includes lessons to practice reading and writing numbers and organizing them based on their values. Spend 15 minutes each day on one of the activities listed in this module. Card decks should go home with students each day for additional practice with a parent at home. Each week, a new deck is introduced and the previous deck is for the student to keep at home for continued practice.
- MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.A.3 Counting and Cardinality
- NCTM Standard: connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent
- NCTM Standard: develop understanding of the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers
- Read the numbers zero through twelve in digit and word form.
- Write the numbers zero through twelve in digit form.
- Read and write the symbols for equal, add (plus), and subtract (minus).
- One CountFast Reading and Writing card deck for each student. This deck is for school and home use. Discuss routine and expectations for taking home the deck and returning it to school each day.
- One writing utensil per student
Reading and Writing Pack – Day 1
Teacher Model/Direct: Use the yellow cards from the deck. These have the numbers 0-12 written as digits and as words. You will also find a card for addition (plus), subtraction (minus), and equal. Hold up the yellow cards one at a time and ask students to say what the number or symbol is. Discuss the meaning of each. See how quickly the students can say or represent the numbers as the teacher quickly holds up one card after another.
Student Activity: Give each student a deck and ask them to take out the yellow cards. Have students lay out the numbers 0-12 in order in front of them. Touching each card one at a time, say the numbers in order from least to greatest. Repeat procedure but say the numbers in order from greatest to least.
Home Activity: Students will take home the deck and the “CountFast Home Connection” letter. Students will review the yellow cards with parent(s). Parents can record on the “Reading Time Record” card how many seconds it takes the child to correctly identify each of the cards. Parents also work with child to put the numbers in order from least to greatest, and from greatest to least.
Reading and Writing Pack – Day 2
Teacher Model/Direct: Review recognition of the numbers 0-12, and the symbols for addition, subtraction, and equal by using the yellow flash cards. Model/Review for students the proper way to write each of the digits and symbols. Ask guiding questions about “how many more” or “how many fewer”, thinking of the numbers on a number line. (For example: How many more is 7 than 4? Students can lay the yellow number cards out in front of them in order and find the four. Then touch-count each card after the four up to the seven. They will touch three cards, 5, 6, and 7, to determine that 7 is three more than 4.)
Student Activity: Students use the yellow cards from deck to put the numbers 0-12 in order from least to greatest, and greatest to least. Shuffle the cards and see how quickly can put the numbers into order again. Taking turns with a partner, ask “how many more” and “how many fewer” questions. Use the touch-count method to show partner how the answer is determined.
Home Activity: Students will practice with the yellow cards by putting the numbers in order and solving “how many more” and “how many fewer” questions. Parents will use the “Reading Time Record” to record how many seconds it takes the child to identify all of the yellow cards correctly.
Reading and Writing Pack – Day 3
Teacher Model/Direct: Use the yellow cards to review putting numbers in order. Ask students “how many more” and “how many fewer” questions, and have students touch-count using the cards. Model how to make an equation/number sentence using the cards. (Ex: 2 + 3 = 5)
Student Activity: With a partner, practice building correct number sentences using the yellow cards in the deck. Write each correct equation on paper. Let another group check the problem for accuracy.
Home Activity: Students will practice putting the yellow cards in numerical order and demonstrate building number sentences for parents. The goal is to create five correct equations. Parents will use the “Reading Time Record” to record how many seconds it takes the child to identify all of the yellow cards correctly.
Reading and Writing Pack – Day 4
Teacher Model/Direct: Introduce the blue cards in the deck. Model the correct movement to trace each number correctly. Allow for adjustments for left-handers. Review making number sentences with the yellow cards.
Student Activity: With a partner, practice building correct number sentences using the yellow cards in the deck. Write each correct equation on paper. Let another group check the problem for accuracy.
Home Activity: Students will practice putting the yellow cards in numerical order and demonstrate building number sentences for parents. The goal is to create five correct equations. Parents will use the “Reading Time Record” to record how many seconds it takes the child to identify all of the yellow cards correctly. Students will practice tracing the numbers correctly. Parents can use the blue “Writing Time Record” to record how many seconds it takes for the child to trace all of the blue cards.
Reading and Writing Pack – Day 5
Teacher Model/Direct: Review each of the activities from this week. Discuss with students how they are improving on their time record cards as they read/write numbers with parents at home.
Student Activity: With a partner, practice building correct number sentences using the yellow cards in the deck. Write each correct equation on paper. Let another group check the problem for accuracy.
Home Activity: Students will practice putting the yellow cards in numerical order and demonstrate building number sentences for parents. The goal is to create five correct equations. Parents will use the “Reading Time Record” to record how many seconds it takes the child to identify all of the yellow cards correctly. Students will practice tracing the numbers correctly. Parents can use the blue “Writing Time Record” to record how many seconds it takes for the child to trace all of the blue cards.